First meeting of the Basque actors involved in the Pyrenees4Clima project to improve resilience in mountain areas


This cross-border project aims to make mountain communities resilient to the impacts of climate change.

The Basque Country takes part in this project through Ihobe, Neiker, Hazi, BC3 and Naturklima.

The Basque Country has started its participation in the LIFE Pyrenees4Clima project with a preliminary meeting between the Basque actors that will contribute to improving resilience in the Pyrenees to the effects of climate change. The cross-border project has a comprehensive approach in mountain areas that will complement the climate action deployed to date by Ihobe, the Basque Government's Public Company for Environmental Management, through LIFE Urban Klima 2050, the largest climate action project in the Basque Country.

The Pyrenees4Clima project aims to improve the resilience of the Pyrenees to climate change as a substantial factor to also enhance resilience in connected territories or those dependent on ecosystem services. The partners work together to catalyse climate change resilience demonstration actions in mountain areas in the identified systems, as well as to strengthen the implementation of European policies, national climate policies in Spain, France and Andorra and regional climate strategies in the Pyrenees through territorial cooperation.

The expected outcomes of Pyrenees4Clima include the implementation of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) against natural hazards such as avalanches, rock falls, etc. in pilot locations in the Pyrenees in order to understand and improve the mitigation of such adverse natural phenomena in an effective and more efficient way from an environmental point of view.


The Pyrenees4Clima project is led by the Working Community of the Pyrenees (CTP) and has 46 Spanish, French and Andorran partners, including the EGTC Pirineos-Pyrénées. The Basque Country takes part in this project through Ihobe, Neiker, Hazi, BC3 and Naturklima.

The project, which will run until April 2031, is the result of the Pyrenees4Clima application "Towards a climate-resilient cross-border mountain community in the Pyrenees" approved by the European Union as part of the LIFE programme.