LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 and LIFE IP NAdapta-CC share climate change adaptation strategies at a work session
The project coordination teams LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 and LIFE IP NAdapta-CC held another work meeting on 15 February to share experiences and look for synergies in the field of climate change adaptation and mitigation.
It was an online meeting in which both teams shared the progress achieved in the different areas of work they are carrying out, and they analysed the difficulties they have faced in recent months, together with the solutions implemented or adopted.
During the session they also shared the most important events and milestones planned for the coming weeks, and evaluated the university extension course of the UNED of Tudela, where Urban Klima 2050 took part with a presentation focused on adaptation to climate change at a local level in the Basque Country. The LIFE IP NAdapta-CC team presented the monitoring portal and its scoreboard.
Finally, they discussed more cross-cutting issues such as gender perspective in climate change, the possibility of future projects and the most noteworthy current sources of funding, highlighting the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change programme.