Maintenance work in the reforestation in Oberan


In order to consolidate the planting of indigenous species, in November the Donostia/San Sebastián City Council started several maintenance tasks to consolidate the planting of indigenous species.

On the upper 11-hectare plot, the shoots of several invasive plants are being removed. In particular, specimens of Phytolacca americana plant which usually grows on roadsides and disturbed soil, and also some clumps of Pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana), a very aggressive invasive species that is more common in urban areas. In this case, measures have also been taken to prevent the spread of these plants.

In the lower 8-hectare plot, American oak shoots that have grown from stumps of felled trees have been cut. This prevents the formation of new acorns of the species and thus its natural propagation. In addition, the shade of new trees could harm the growth of the planted native trees. American oak is not an invasive species and it has been decided to leave the plant remains on the land itself to reduce the risk of erosion and increase the supply of nutrients to the soil.

The land on which the work has been carried out belongs exclusively to the Donostia/San Sebastián City Council and is part of the Aiako Harria Natural Park (ES20120016) and the Natura 2000 Network.

This initiative is part of Action C4.2Key green infrastructure for improving urban-rural connection and the resilience of the territory