The Basque Country studies actions to strengthen its ports against the effects of climate change


The Directorate of Ports of the Basque Government and AZTI propose security and adaptation measures and cross-cutting actions to improve the response capacity of ports. The study relates to Phase II of the LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 project approved by CINEA.

The Directorate of Ports of the Basque Government and AZTI have proposed various measures to strengthen the protection of Basque ports against climate change in a report issued as part of the LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 project under Action C.6.2 Adaptation of ports. The study was carried out during the second phase of the project approved by CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) in September 2024.

The study highlighted the importance of Basque ports, most of which have been integrated into urban areas, as natural barriers against the impact of the sea. The Basque Government has focused its efforts to date on maintaining and strengthening structures such as walls and breakwaters, as per the coastal risk analysis carried out by Kostaegoki. However, with projected rises in sea level and other effects of climate change, the report noted that these measures will be insufficient after 2050, and suggested implementing further adaptation actions to preserve the safety and functionality of these port areas in the future.

Ten actions to strengthen the resilience of ports

The report proposed ten lines of action, split into three categories: protection, adaptation and cross-cutting actions. Protective actions include maintaining and building coastal defence structures, such as seawalls and breakwaters, and conserving beaches and wetlands near ports. The suggestions around adaptation measures include installing early warning systems for flooding and adapting existing infrastructure to make it more resilient to the conditions of rising sea levels. This adaptation includes raising certain structures and using materials that will withstand contact with water better.

The report also detailed five cross-cutting lines of action to improve the responsiveness of ports. These include putting video surveillance systems and tide gauges in place at strategic ports, educating and raising the awareness of citizens about coastal risks, and promoting research to develop new methodologies and adaptive tools. There is also a need for integrated coastal zone management, which will make it possible to coordinate adaptation measures effectively in the coming years.

Planning for the next 10 years

The report suggested reviewing areas that may be prone to flooding in five to ten years' time and taking advantage of actions to improve protection in the most vulnerable areas. This could include raising esplanades and installing separation elements in ports. The proposed measures are not only aimed at protecting port and urban areas, but also to ensure that these environments can cope with the effects of climate change in a sustainable manner until 2100.

For more information you can download the document Proposals for action to maximise the protection of urban environments near ports in the Basque Country from Action C.6.2 Adaptation of ports.