The Basque Country to take part in a new European LIFE project to speed up the energy and climate transition through local authorities


The OCTOPUS project will drive cooperation between six European regions to encourage local stakeholders to influence the energy planning process of their territories.

Local authorities, given their proximity to citizens and their surroundings, often have more to say about how to design and apply sustainability policies and actions.

This is the starting point for a new European LIFE project, which is seeking to set in motion a bottom-up movement from the grassroots to the higher levels of governance; its name is 'OCTOPUS, how to accelerate local energy and climate transition by supporting municipal authorities'.

Driven by the partnership between six European regions, including the Basque Country, OCTOPUS will advocate that local stakeholders influence in the governance to promote sustainable energy and climate change action. Extremadura, the Republic of Cyprus, the Mazovian Voivodeship region in Poland, the Usti Region in Czechia, and the French regions of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Isère are taking part along with the Basque Country.

The OCTOPUS project aims to accelerate the energy and climate transition by empowering regional and local authorities and the energy and environmental agencies to develop and implement innovative solutions adapted to their regions. This week, the partners that make up the consortium have met; from the Basque Country, the Basque Government's Public Company for Environmental Management, Ihobe, and the Basque Energy Agency-EVE, both partners in the LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 project, are taking part.

Seven Enabling Organisational Networks (EON) will therefore be set up or reinforced. The Basque Country is one of the regions that already has its network: in this case, OCTOPUS will be rolled out through Udalsarea 2030, a network of sustainable municipalities with a proven track record of over 20 years that position the Basque Country as one of the most advanced regions in Europe.

The project will drive cooperation, and the EONs will act as centres to share knowledge and develop capacity-building and viable strategies to comply with the energy and climate goals of the European Union. Thus, the stakeholders will be provided with tools, guidance and best practices to overcome barriers such as limited resources, obsolete strategies and lack of cooperation between levels of governance, by means of pilot activities and specific support.

OCTOPUS will last for 36 months, when the role of the EONs will be to accelerate the implementation of regional energy and climate plans and actions, which will allow the regions to achieve their energy and climate goals. Udalsarea 2030, which already has extensive experience, will seek to bolster the support, tools, service and information that it offers municipalities thanks to the project. Thus, solutions will be sought that are not only innovative, but also scalable, equitable and meet local needs.