Urban Klima 2050 outlines its territorial and urban planning actions for climate adaptation at the BIA Urban Regeneration Forum
Mari Mar Alonso, Director of Climate Action at Ihobe, took part in the BIA Urban Regeneration Forum organised by the COAVN, where she presented some of the territorial and urban planning actions of the LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 project.
Mari Mar Alonso, Director of Climate Action at Ihobe, presented the LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 project at the Miradas session of the BIA Urban Regeneration Forum, organised by the Basque-Navarrese Official Association of Architects (COAVN by its Spanish acronym).
In her presentation, Alonso touched on key initiatives such as defining the guidelines for integrating climate change adaptation into territorial and urban planning instruments from a multi-scale perspective.. These instruments include the future Methodological Guide for integrating climate change and adaptation into land-use planning instruments at different scales: Sectoral Territorial Plans (STPs), Partial Territorial Plans (PTPs) and General Urban Development Plans (GUDPs).
She also gave specific examples of how the energy and climate transition has been effectively integrated into territorial planning, such as the Special Plan for Punta Zorrotza. She went on to highlight advances in innovative land-use modelling tools based on runoff and thermal comfort in climate change scenarios, identifying and developing areas of resilience, as a consequence, urban places that have become better adapted through the deployment of nature-based solutions (NBS).
She also spoke about the update to the Practical guide for analysing the impact on health of local urban planning initiatives, which, it is hoped, will include climate change as a new health determinant to complement the analysis of the impact that different projects have on health.
The BIA Urban Regeneration Forum is a meeting place for professionals from the architecture and urban planning sector, aimed at sharing initiatives that promote sustainable, regenerative development in urban environments.