Urban Klima 2050 tackles the alliance required between soil and climate change at the SOILUZIOAK 2023 congress


The project will take part in parallel sessions by organising the round table ‘Soil, an ally in mitigating and adapting to climate change’. Representatives from different environmental projects will explore the synergies between the soil protection and the mitigation and adaptation of cities to climate challenges.

The LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 project will take part at the SOILUZIOAK 2023 Conference on Soil Protection in the Basque Country by organising the round table ‘Soil, an ally in the mitigation and adaptation to climate change’. This will be one of four round tables on challenges scheduled for the first day, October 10, which will be held at the Euskalduna Conference Centre in Bilbao, addressing the challenges for soil protection in different areas of action.

Table four on the first day will be moderated by Adolfo Uriarte, director of Natural Heritage and Climate Change of the Basque Government, and will include representatives of different environmental projects, who will explore strategies to optimise the synergies between the soil protection and the adaptation and mitigation of climate change and how they have applied them in their actions.

Malake Muñoz, head of Climate Action projects at Ihobe and representative of the LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 project, will open the round of presentations. The Basque Country's climate action project is aimed at promoting the energy and climate transition in order to make the Basque region more resilient. Rodrigo Antón, professor of soil science and agricultural chemistry at the Public University of Navarre, will explain the actions that the LIFE-IP NAdapta project is implementing in the soil to increase resilience to climate change in Navarre.

Alicia Villazan, project manager of European innovation projects at Valladolid City Council, will explain the challenges posed by protecting soil in urban environments with the actions carried out in the Valladolid Smart City project. Next, Nagore García, professor of biology at the Autonomous University of Madrid and representative of SoilSkin a citizen science programme to assess the vulnerability of the soil ecosystem to global change. Ion Codescu, Unit Head at the Directorate-General for Environment at the European Commission, will close the session.


The SOILUZIOAK 2023 Conference on Soil Protection in the Basque Country will bring together around 250 specialists on this field on October 10 and 11 to discuss the need to protect soil from all perspectives. This will contribute to the effective deployment of the Basque Country's Land Protection Strategy 2030 through the collaboration and exchange of knowledge between all of the actors involved.

The congress, which is promoted by the Basque Government through Ihobe, the Basque Government's Public Environmental Management Company, and Sprilur, the Basque Public Company for Industrial Land Management, will stimulate debate on the challenges of protecting soil from different perspectives, and seek to provide criteria and show good practices for protecting it in the region and in Europe as a whole.